Mastering Box 22 and Original Reference Number

In the world of Medicaid claims, certain elements hold great significance in ensuring accurate and efficient processing. One such element is Box 22, which plays a crucial role in resubmitted or corrected claims. Additionally, understanding the purpose of resubmitted/corrected claims and the importance of the Original Reference Number is vital for healthcare providers and billing professionals. This article delves into the intricacies of Box 22, the significance of the Original Reference Number, and provides a comprehensive guide on populating and utilizing this crucial field.

II. Understanding Box 22

A. Definition and function of Box 22

Box 22 serves as a designated space on the CMS 1500 form where the Original Reference Number is indicated for resubmitted or corrected claims [1]. This field acts as a key identifier, linking the resubmission or corrected claim to its original counterpart. By populating Box 22 accurately, healthcare providers can facilitate seamless claims processing and prevent potential denials or delays.

B. Distinction between resubmitted claims and original claim submissions

It is important to understand the fundamental difference between resubmitted claims and original claim submissions. Resubmitted claims are sent to rectify errors or make necessary corrections to previously submitted claims [2]. On the other hand, original claim submissions refer to the initial claims sent to payers for reimbursement. Recognizing this distinction enables healthcare providers to navigate the claims submission process more effectively.

C. Significance of frequency codes 6, 7, and 8

To further comprehend Box 22 and its role in resubmitted or corrected claims, it is essential to grasp the significance of frequency codes 6, 7, and 8 [1]. Frequency code 6 is used when submitting corrected claims, indicating that adjustments or modifications have been made to the original claim. Frequency code 7 is utilized when replacing prior claims, signifying that the current claim supersedes and replaces the previous one. Lastly, frequency code 8 is employed for voiding or canceling prior claims, indicating that the previous claim is no longer valid or should be disregarded.

III. Original Reference Number

A. Explanation of the Original Reference Number

The Original Reference Number, also known as the Claim Reference Number or ICN, holds paramount importance in Medicaid claims processing. It serves as a unique identifier assigned to claims and acts as a reference point for tracking and linking resubmitted or corrected claims to their original counterparts [2]. By including the Original Reference Number in Box 22, healthcare providers provide vital information to payers, streamlining the claims adjudication process.

B. Alternative names for the Original Reference Number (Claim Reference Number or ICN)

In addition to the Original Reference Number, this identifier is also referred to as the Claim Reference Number or ICN. These alternative names reflect the same underlying concept and emphasize the significance of this unique identifier in claim resubmissions [2]. By recognizing these variations, healthcare professionals can ensure effective communication and understanding among stakeholders involved in claims processing.

C. Assignment of the Original Reference Number by payer or receiver

The responsibility for assigning the Original Reference Number lies with the payer or receiver of the claim. It is their duty to allocate a unique identifier to each claim or encounter, which then becomes the reference point for subsequent resubmissions or corrections [2]. This assignment process helps establish a traceable and organized system for claim management and reimbursement purposes.

IV. Populating Box 22

A. Guidelines for filling Box 22 accurately

To ensure the accurate completion of Box 22, healthcare providers and billing professionals should adhere to specific guidelines. Firstly, it is crucial to include the appropriate resubmission code that aligns with the purpose of the claim correction or resubmission [1]. Secondly, the Original Reference Number must be entered correctly to establish a clear connection between the resubmitted or corrected claim and its original counterpart. Adhering to these guidelines helps facilitate smooth claims processing and avoids unnecessary complications.

B. Link between resubmission code and Original Ref. No.

A fundamental link exists between the resubmission code and the Original Reference Number. The resubmission code denotes the purpose or nature of the claim correction or resubmission, while the Original Reference Number serves as the unique identifier associated with the original claim [1]. By correctly establishing this link in Box 22, healthcare providers enable payers to recognize and process the resubmitted or corrected claim accurately.

C. Location of resubmission code in EDI file (Loop 2300, Segment CLM05-3)

In electronic claims submissions, the resubmission code is located within the EDI file, specifically in Loop 2300, Segment CLM05-3 [2]. This location is crucial for electronic claims processing systems to identify and interpret the resubmission code accurately. Billing professionals and electronic claims submitters must be aware of this specific location to ensure seamless transmission and processing of claims.

D. Locating the Original Ref. No. in EDI file (Loop 2300, Segment REF02)

Similarly, the Original Reference Number can be found in the EDI file, specifically in Loop 2300, Segment REF02 [2]. The Original Ref. No. serves as a critical piece of information for payers to identify and match the resubmitted or corrected claim with its original reference. Healthcare providers and billing professionals should familiarize themselves with the location of this identifier within the EDI file to ensure accurate claims processing.

V. Steps to Add Resubmission Code in Box 22

A. Procedure for adding resubmission code in Medisoft

In Medisoft, a widely used medical billing software, adding a resubmission code in Box 22 follows a defined procedure. To begin, open the patient's claim and navigate to the appropriate section where Box 22 is located. Within this field, enter the correct resubmission code that aligns with the nature of the claim correction or resubmission. This step ensures that the claim is correctly classified and linked to its original counterpart


B. Accessing the claim line in Medisoft

To add a resubmission code in Medisoft, it is necessary to access the claim line associated with the specific patient and claim. By accessing the claim line, healthcare providers and billing professionals gain the ability to modify and populate Box 22 accurately. This step is crucial for ensuring proper claims management within the Medisoft software.

C. Entering the frequency code in the Frequency Type box

Within Medisoft, healthcare providers and billing professionals must enter the appropriate frequency code in the Frequency Type box associated with Box 22. This code reflects the purpose or nature of the claim correction or resubmission [1]. By entering the correct frequency code, users can indicate the specific action taken regarding the original claim, whether it be correction, replacement, or voiding.

VI. Common Errors and Troubleshooting

A. Potential mistakes in populating Box 22

While completing Box 22, it is essential to be aware of common mistakes that may occur. These errors include entering incorrect resubmission codes, misplacing the Original Reference Number, or omitting vital information. To mitigate these errors, healthcare providers and billing professionals should exercise caution and adhere to guidelines and best practices to ensure accurate completion of Box 22.

B. Tips to avoid errors in resubmission coding

To minimize errors in resubmission coding and the completion of Box 22, several tips can be implemented. Firstly, thorough training and education on the resubmission process should be provided to billing staff to enhance their understanding of the codes and requirements [3]. Secondly, implementing double-checking procedures and performing thorough reviews before claim submission can help identify and rectify any potential errors. By adopting these tips, healthcare providers can reduce the occurrence of mistakes and ensure accurate resubmission coding.

C. Common issues faced during the resubmission process

During the resubmission process, healthcare providers may encounter common issues that can hinder seamless claims processing. Some of these issues include missing or incomplete information, incorrect resubmission codes, or difficulties in locating the Original Reference Number in the EDI file. By being aware of these common issues, healthcare providers can take proactive measures to address them promptly and ensure a smoother resubmission process.

VII. Impact on Claim Processing

A. How Box 22 affects claim processing

Box 22 significantly influences the claims processing workflow. By accurately populating Box 22 with the resubmission code and Original Reference Number, healthcare providers enable payers to identify and link resubmitted or corrected claims to their original counterparts. This streamlined process expedites claims adjudication, reduces claim-related issues, and contributes to more efficient reimbursement for healthcare providers.

B. Importance of accurate resubmission coding for reimbursement

Accurate resubmission coding, facilitated by the correct utilization of Box 22, is crucial for ensuring proper reimbursement. Errors or omissions in resubmission coding can result in claim denials, delayed payments, or incorrect reimbursement amounts. By understanding the importance of accurate resubmission coding, healthcare providers can maximize their revenue and minimize potential financial setbacks.

C. Avoiding claim denials and delays

Properly populating Box 22 with accurate resubmission coding helps healthcare providers avoid claim denials and unnecessary delays. Inaccurate or incomplete information in Box 22 can lead to claim rejection or the need for additional follow-up, which prolongs the reimbursement process. By paying attention to detail and adhering to best practices, healthcare providers can mitigate claim denials and ensure timely payments.

VIII. Conclusion

Understanding the intricacies of Box 22, the significance of the Original Reference Number, and the process of populating and utilizing this field are essential for healthcare providers and billing professionals. By accurately completing Box 22 with the appropriate resubmission code and Original Reference Number, healthcare providers streamline the claims processing workflow, enhance reimbursement efficiency, and minimize claim-related issues. Ensuring accuracy and adherence to guidelines in Box 22 ultimately leads to improved revenue cycles and smoother claims management.


[1] Understanding Box 22 Resubmission Codes on CMS 1500 Claims-CMS 1500 (

[2] Box 22 Resubmission Code/Original Ref. No. – Therabill

[3] CCR_CorrectedVoidedClaimsResubmissionGuide_English_110218.pdf (
