UB 04 Medicare Discharge status code

UB 04 Medicare Discharge status code

Understanding UB-04 Discharge Status Codes: A Comprehensive Guide

In the realm of healthcare, patient discharge status codes play a crucial role in conveying important information about a patient's status upon leaving a healthcare facility. These codes help healthcare providers, insurance companies, and regulatory bodies understand the circumstances and outcomes of patient discharges. In this comprehensive guide, we will delve into the world of UB-04 discharge status codes, exploring their definitions, usage, and relevance in the healthcare landscape.

I. Understanding UB-04 Discharge Status Codes

A. What Are UB-04 Discharge Status Codes?

UB-04 discharge status codes are a standardized set of codes used to indicate the status of a patient when they are discharged from a healthcare facility. These codes are part of the UB-04 Data File and are maintained by the American Hospital Association (AHA) [1]. The AHA NUBC Patient Discharge Status Codes are versioned annually, with updates typically taking effect on July 1 or about 90 days after approval [1].

B. Importance of UB-04 Discharge Status Codes

The importance of UB-04 discharge status codes lies in their ability to provide specific information about a patient's discharge status. These codes serve as a common language for healthcare providers, insurance companies, and regulatory bodies to understand and track patient outcomes [2]. By using standardized codes, the healthcare industry can ensure consistent documentation, billing, and reporting practices, leading to improved data accuracy and analysis.

II. Exploring Patient Status Codes on UB-04

A. Patient Status Code 01: Discharged to Home or Self-Care (Routine Discharge)

Patient status code 01 on the UB-04 form indicates that the patient has been discharged to their home or is capable of self-care [2]. This code is used when a patient's condition allows them to safely leave the healthcare facility without further medical assistance. It signifies a routine discharge scenario where the patient can continue their recovery or manage their condition independently.

B. Patient Status Code 02: Discharged/Transferred to a Short-Term General Hospital for Inpatient Care

Patient status code 02 is assigned when a patient is discharged from one healthcare facility and transferred to a short-term general hospital for further inpatient care [2]. This code reflects a scenario where the patient's medical needs require specialized treatment or services that are not available at the current facility, necessitating a transfer to a different healthcare institution.

C. Patient Status Code 20: Expired

Patient status code 20 indicates that the patient has unfortunately passed away while under the care of the healthcare facility [2]. This code serves as an important indicator of patient mortality and is crucial for tracking and reporting healthcare outcomes. The accurate and timely recording of patient deaths using this code ensures transparency and enables appropriate follow-up actions.

D. Patient Status Code 30: Still Patient

Patient status code 30 is used when a patient is still receiving care at the healthcare facility and has not been discharged [2]. This code denotes an ongoing hospitalization or treatment scenario where the patient's condition requires further medical attention. It helps healthcare providers and regulatory bodies track the duration and outcomes of patient stays within a facility.

E. Patient Status Code 70: Discharged/Transferred to Another Type of Health Care Institution Not Defined Elsewhere in This Code List

Patient status code 70 is assigned when a patient is discharged or transferred to another type of healthcare institution that is not explicitly defined by the other codes on the UB-04 form [2]. This code covers scenarios where patients may require specialized care in settings such as rehabilitation centers, long-term care facilities, psychiatric hospitals, or other healthcare institutions outside the scope of the available codes.

III. Medicare Discharge Status Codes

A. Overview of Medicare Discharge Status Codes

Medicare discharge status codes are specific codes used by the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) to indicate a patient's status upon discharge from a healthcare facility [3]. These codes are an integral part of the Medicare billing process and help determine reimbursement rates and post-acute care policies.

B. Medicare Discharge Status Codes List

The list of Medicare discharge status codes includes various codes that provide detailed information about a patient's discharge status [3]. These codes encompass scenarios such as routine discharges, transfers to different types of facilities, expired status, discharge against medical advice, and more. The accurate assignment of these codes ensures proper documentation and billing for Medicare beneficiaries.

C. Understanding Medicare Post Acute Care Transfer Policy

Medicare's post-acute care transfer policy is designed to ensure appropriate reimbursement and continuity of care for patients transitioning from one healthcare setting to another [3]. This policy outlines the conditions under which Medicare beneficiaries are eligible for coverage of post-acute care services following their discharge from an acute care facility. The proper use of Medicare discharge status codes is critical for determining eligibility and facilitating seamless transitions in care.

IV. CMS Discharge Disposition Codes

A. What Are CMS Discharge Disposition Codes?

CMS discharge disposition codes are used to indicate the destination or next level of care for a patient upon discharge from a healthcare facility [3]. These codes provide information about where the patient will be going after leaving the current facility, such as home, another healthcare institution, or long-term care. They play a vital role in healthcare planning, resource allocation, and tracking patient movement across different care settings.

B. List of CMS Discharge Disposition Codes

The list of CMS discharge disposition codes includes a comprehensive set of codes that represent various discharge destinations or dispositions [3]. These codes cover scenarios such as home, another healthcare institution, hospice care, residential care, and more. Accurate coding of discharge dispositions ensures effective communication and coordination of care among healthcare providers and institutions.

C. Changes and Updates in CMS Discharge Disposition Codes for 2022

As of January 18, 2022, the CMS discharge disposition codes have undergone updates and revisions [2]. These changes reflect the evolving healthcare landscape and aim to improve the accuracy and granularity of information related to patient dispositions. Healthcare professionals and billing specialists should stay updated with the latest changes to ensure compliance with CMS guidelines and accurate coding.

V. Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

A. What is the purpose of discharge status codes on UB-04?

The purpose of discharge status codes on the UB-04 form is to provide standardized information about a patient's status upon leaving a healthcare facility. These codes enable clear communication among healthcare providers, insurance companies, and regulatory bodies, facilitating accurate documentation, billing, and reporting [2].

B. How are discharge status codes used in healthcare billing?

Discharge status codes are used in healthcare billing to determine the appropriate reimbursement rates for services provided to patients [2]. These codes help insurance companies and payers understand the complexity and resources required for different types of patient discharges. Accurate coding of discharge status ensures proper reimbursement and supports efficient financial processes in the healthcare industry.

C. Are there any specific guidelines for assigning discharge status codes?

Yes, there are specific guidelines for assigning discharge status codes. The American Hospital Association (AHA) maintains the UB-04 discharge status codes and provides instructions on their proper usage [1]. It is important to follow these guidelines and ensure consistent application of the codes for accurate healthcare documentation and reporting.

D. Can discharge status codes affect reimbursement rates?

Yes, discharge status codes can affect reimbursement rates in healthcare billing. These codes provide valuable information about the complexity and resources required for different types of patient discharges [2]. Reimbursement rates may vary based on factors such as the severity of the patient's condition, the need for specialized care, or the level of post-acute care required. Accurate coding of discharge status is essential for fair and appropriate reimbursement.

E. What is the difference between discharge status codes and discharge disposition codes?

Discharge status codes and discharge disposition codes serve different purposes. Discharge status codes indicate the overall status of a patient upon leaving a healthcare facility, such as routine discharge, transfer, or expiration [2]. On the other hand, discharge disposition codes specify the destination or next level of care for the patient, such as home, another healthcare institution, or hospice care [3]. While both types of codes provide important information, they focus on different aspects of the patient's discharge process.

VI. Conclusion

By delving into this comprehensive guide, healthcare professionals, billing specialists, and individuals seeking insights into discharge status codes will gain a thorough understanding of their significance. Mastering the appropriate use of these codes is essential for accurate healthcare documentation, billing, and reporting. UB-04 discharge status codes, Medicare discharge status codes, and CMS discharge disposition codes all contribute to effective communication, proper reimbursement, and informed decision-making in the healthcare industry.


[1] NUBC Uniform Billing (UB-04) Patient Discharge Status (FL17/CL103) - HL7 Confluence. Retrieved from [1]

[2] Patient Discharge Status Codes - JF Part A - Noridian. Retrieved from [2]

