Understanding CMS 1500 Box 32 Requirements and Claim Form Instructions

The CMS 1500 claim form is an essential tool for healthcare providers and suppliers to submit insurance claims accurately. Within this form, Box 32 holds significant importance as it captures vital information related to the claim. In this article, we will delve into the requirements for CMS 1500 Box 32, explain the CMS 1500 claim form, and provide detailed instructions for filling it out correctly. By understanding these key aspects, healthcare professionals can streamline their billing process and enhance claim submission accuracy.

1. Understanding CMS 1500 Box 32 Requirements

CMS 1500 Box 32 plays a crucial role in capturing the necessary information for insurance claim processing. Here are the requirements you need to consider:

1.1 Purpose of CMS 1500 Box 32:

CMS 1500 Box 32, also known as the "Service Facility Location Information" box, is used to indicate the location where the healthcare service was provided. It helps in determining the appropriate processing jurisdiction for the claim.

1.2 Information to Include:

When completing CMS 1500 Box 32, ensure the following information is accurately provided:

- Name of the facility or service location

- Street address

- City

- State

- ZIP code

1.3 Formatting Guidelines:

To ensure compliance and readability, follow these formatting guidelines for CMS 1500 Box 32:

- Use uppercase letters when entering the facility or service location name.

- Include the complete street address without abbreviations.

- Enter the city, state, and ZIP code in the designated fields.

2. Understanding the CMS 1500 Claim Form

The CMS 1500 claim form is a standardized document used for submitting healthcare insurance claims. It contains various fields that capture important patient and provider information. Familiarize yourself with the different sections of the CMS 1500 claim form to ensure accurate and efficient claim submission.

2.1 Key Sections of the CMS 1500 Claim Form:

The CMS 1500 claim form consists of several sections. Here are the key sections you need to be aware of:

2.1.1 Patient Information:

This section captures details about the patient, including their name, birth date, and sex. Ensure accurate and complete information is entered to avoid claim processing delays.

2.1.2 Insured's Information:

Enter the insured's name, address, and telephone number in this section. Additionally, indicate the insured's relationship to the patient and any primary insurance coverage preceding Medicare.

2.1.3 Provider Information:

Include the healthcare provider's name, address, and National Provider Identifier (NPI) in this section. It is crucial to enter the correct information to facilitate proper claim adjudication.

2.1.4 Service Line Information:

In this section, you provide details about the services rendered to the patient. This includes the date of service, procedure codes, diagnosis codes, and any modifiers or special circumstances related to the services provided.

2.1.5 Total Charges and Payment Details:

Enter the total charges for the services rendered and any payments received or expected in this section. Accuracy in reporting financial information ensures proper reimbursement.

3. Step-by-Step Instructions for Filling Out the CMS 1500 Claim Form

Properly completing the CMS 1500 claim form is essential to ensure accurate claim submission. Follow these step-by-step instructions to fill out the form correctly:

3.1 Gather Required Information


Before starting the form, gather all the necessary information, including patient details, provider information, service dates, procedure codes, diagnosis codes, and any other supporting documentation.

3.2 Begin Form Completion:

Start by entering the patient's name, birth date, and sex in the respective fields under the "Patient Information" section.

3.3 Insured's Information:

Provide the insured's name, address, and telephone number in the designated fields. Indicate the relationship of the insured to the patient and any primary insurance preceding Medicare.

3.4 Provider Information:

Enter the healthcare provider's name, address, and NPI in the appropriate fields.

3.5 Service Line Information:

For each service provided, enter the date of service, procedure codes, diagnosis codes, modifiers (if applicable), and any special circumstances in the service line section.

3.6 Total Charges and Payment Details:

In the designated fields, report the total charges for the services rendered and any payments received or expected.

3.7 Review and Submit:

Thoroughly review the completed form for accuracy, ensuring all required fields are filled out correctly. Attach any supporting documentation as necessary. Submit the form according to your designated claim submission process.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Q1: What happens if CMS 1500 Box 32 is filled incorrectly?

A1: Incorrectly filling CMS 1500 Box 32 may result in claim processing delays or potential claim denials. It is crucial to accurately provide the service facility location information as requested.

Q2: Can CMS 1500 Box 32a be used for additional facility details?

A2: No, CMS 1500 Box 32a is not designated for facility details. Only use CMS 1500 Box 32 to indicate the location where the service was provided.

Q3: Where can I find the CMS 1500 claim form?

A3: The CMS 1500 claim form is available for download on the official Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) website[1]

Q4: Can I leave CMS Box 32 blank if the service facility address is already provided elsewhere on the claim form?

A4: It is recommended to provide the service facility address in CMS Box 32, even if it is included elsewhere on the claim form. This ensures clarity and conformity with standard billing practices.

Q5: What should I do if I make a mistake in CMS Box 32?

A5: If an error occurs while filling out CMS Box 32, it is essential to correct the information promptly. Submitting an amended claim with the accurate service facility address is the recommended course of action.

Q6: Are there any specific formatting requirements for the service facility address in CMS Box 32?

A6: CMS Box 32 requires the full and accurate service facility address. It is advisable to follow the standard formatting guidelines, including the use of proper abbreviations, ZIP codes, and city names.


Accurate completion of CMS 1500 Box 32 and the overall claim form is essential for healthcare providers and suppliers to ensure smooth insurance claim processing. By understanding the requirements and following the step-by-step instructions provided in this article, you can streamline your billing process and increase the chances of accurate claim submissions. Stay updated with the latest guidelines from CMS to maintain compliance and optimize your reimbursement process.


[1] Medicare Claims Processing Manual - Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) - 

