Type of Service Indicators - CMS BOX 24

The place of service or diagnosis may be considered when determining the appropriate TOS. The descriptors for each of the TOS codes listed in the following table are:

Type of Service Indicators

0    Whole Blood
1    Medical Care
2    Surgery
3    Consultation
4    Diagnostic Radiology
5    Diagnostic Laboratory
6    Therapeutic Radiology
7    Anesthesia
8    Assistant at Surgery
9    Other Medical Items or Services
A   Used DME
B    High Risk Screening Mammography
C     Low Risk Screening Mammography
D    Ambulance
E    Enteral/Parenteral Nutrients/Supplies
F    Ambulatory Surgical Center (Facility Usage for Surgical Services)
G    Immunosuppressive Drugs
H    Hospice
J     Diabetic Shoes
K    Hearing Items and Services
L     ESRD Supplies
M    Monthly Capitation Payment for Dialysis
N     Kidney Donor
P     Lump Sum Purchase of DME, Prosthetics, Orthotics
Q     Vision Items or Services
R      Rental of DME
S      Surgical Dressings or Other Medical Supplies
T      Outpatient Mental Health Treatment Limitation
U      Occupational Therapy
V      Pneumococcal/Flu Vaccine
W     Physical Therapy

